

CHIKEI - dark lines that appear in the ji
CHISA KATANA - short katana
CHOJI - clove shaped hamon
CHOJI OIL - oil for the care of swords
CHOJI-MIDARE - irregular choji hamon (temper line)
CHOKUTO - prehistoric straight swords
CHU - medium
CHU-KISSAKI - medium sized point (kissaki)
CHU-SUGUHA straight, medium width temper line
DAI - great or large
DAI-MEI - student smith signing his teacher's name
DAIMYO - feudal lord
DAISHO - a matched pair of long and short swords
DAITO - long sword (over 24 inches)

2 条评论:

Lushi 说...

In my opinion this is a good article,and could you tell me where youget so much information about the Japanese Sword or it is your experience?hehe

love sword 说...

Could you show a picture?I want to know the exact position on the blade.Thanks for your attention!